Our services

Financial guidance

We want to take finance of your mind and let you do what you are good at.

CFOrent - We take finance off your mind

Build better customer relationships with scalable messaging that provides a more personal experience for you and your customers conversion.

Our clients can count on us – every day.

“Working with and for our high-paced clients, gave me an entire new perspective to my professional and personal approach. From organizational to data transformation, creating structure while operating in a dynamic environment, gives me the energy to go the extra mile. “
Frederik Bakx - CFOrent
Frederik Bakx
- Associate at CFOrent
What we do

We take finance of your mind

Build better customer relationships with scalable messaging that provides a more personal experience for you and your customers conversion.
CFOrent - We take finance off your mind


Support in every stap of the fundraising process – creating of financial and business plans, investor pitches, due diligence and data room preparation. Raising funds is a challenge in any phase. We provide you the necessary expertise to prepare yourself and your organization to partner with investors. Finding the right partner in the
CFOrent - We take finance off your mind

Corporate Finance

Setup of an efficient international finance organisation. Implementation of intelligent KPI monitoring and budgetary controls.
Management Reporting

Management reporting

Clear and insightful reporting for your management team and board of director meetings. Helping to better understand and manage your business
CFOrent - We take finance off your mind

Investor Relations

Effective investor communication through clear financial reporting, proactive financial analysis, and relationship management.
CFOrent - We take finance off your mind

Bank & Subsidy funding

Preparation of financial plans and other related materials specifically tailored for bank funding requests.
CFOrent - We take finance off your mind

Financial Consulting

Trusted advisor for all your other financial challenges. We bring many years of corporate and management consulting experience to the table.
CFOrent - We take finance off your mind

Our clients can count on us – every day.

“Building up a client relation leading to create the perfect custom made financial reporting is the perfect trigger for my enthusiasm.”
Jannes Vens - CFOrent
Jannes Vens
- Associate at CFOrent

Financial support, every step of the way

We are your partner in creating a legacy building facade.

Agile & flexible attitude

Our team have an always-on mentality. We jump for our clients.


We are experts in translating complex statistics into actionable insights. We care for a clear story.

Structured & detailed

Our team only goes for the best possible outcome. We go the next mile to ensure correct and timely reporting.

Team of specialists

Our team consists of experienced, hard working people who look beyond the obvious to provide financial advise.

CFOrent - We take finance off your mind

Why CFOrent

With many clients serviced, the team has experience in a wide range of businesses. From SaaS to product, service and (med)tech companies.

CFOrent helped bringing numerous clients to a next phase of maturity, either on financial, strategic, organizational or digital area’s.
With growth comes responsibility and accountability. Our team of skilled professionals is up to the task of demonstrating leadership, leading by example, and manoeuvring any difficult roads ahead.

Let’s work together.

Are you looking for a strategic partner with financial expertise? Do you have questions on how we can help your organization? Make sure to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.