The smart way forward with business intelligence

26 October 2020

The data fairy tale

Once upon a time, you heard about the incredible riches hidden in your data. Vital insights into your organisation. And your financial figures. As well as your clients, products, potential risks and of course, the opportunities you have before you. The promise of untold benefits led you to collect data. Lots of data. But what comes next?

Analyse, combine, understand and decide

When it’s time to analyse your data, you’ll find it spread across different sources. A database in the cloud, Excel reports dating back years, and that customer data you need to store according to those super-sensitive privacy laws. Is all this data even relevant? It’s possible each source has something to say … But you need to extract this information. And combine it. Only then will you have the insight that gives you a clear picture of your situation and the best path forward.

The right tool for the job

The good news? There are tools that do this for you, quickly, cheaply and accurately. At the front of the pack is the Microsoft Power BI suite of tools. Power BI securely analyses data on any level, from the individual to the entire organisation, combining artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language input abilities. Data preparation and discovery are easier than ever. And Power BI is not just for analysis; the visualisation capabilities make sure you see every little detail you need to see. You’ll never miss a thing!

No more writer’s block

Ever felt unsure about how to start a report? Google Data studio is designed to help you tell your story. It includes built-in sample reports to make it easier to put digital pen to paper. After finding, combining and analysing your data, it pours the important info into graphs or charts, geo maps or paginated data tables—whatever tells your story. The style options and different colour themes help you target the right audience.


Power BI and Data Studio also stand out for being wonderfully user-friendly. The reason we appreciate them at CFOrent? They don’t just make it easy for you to see the best course of action. They make it easy to show it to everyone else. And that’s a vital step whether you want to maximise your growth or minimise your risk.

Happily ever after

Do you still have doubts or questions? Maybe you’re not quite sure you’re on the right path. Perhaps you would like to have an experienced expert by your side. CFOrent is always at your service. As well as specialising in innovative business intelligence technologies, we have years of extensive hands-on experience in entrepreneurial finance. Get in touch. Let’s make your data fairy tale come true today.

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